Miss Washington County Fair Pageant
Age Divisions:
- Teeny Tiny 0-11 months
- Tiny 12-23 months
- Toddler 2-3 years
- Tiny 4-5 years
- Mini 6-7 years
- Little 8-9 years
- Young 10-11 years
- Preteen 12-13 years
- Jr Miss 14-17 years
- Miss 18-23 years
- Elite Miss 24-34 years
- Ms 35-55
- Sr Ms 56-75
August 10-11 in Washington County, AR. Exact location will be announced 4 weeks prior to event. Entry fee is $50. You can enter our divisional photogenic competition for an additional $10 per photo, this can be added on at a later date.
- Each contestant must be a legal resident of Washington County. This means you must LIVE in Washington County, per State Fair rules, going to school in the county does not constitute residency.
- Previous winners are not eligible to enter again in the same age division. If you won last year and wish to crown, then you must sit out competing in this years pageant.
- Contestants age 0-13 will compete in their respective division, based on their age on the day of the pageant. Contestants age 14 and up will compete based on their age on October 1, 2024.
- There will not be a rehearsal for the 0-11 years pageants.
- One parent or guardian of a 0-3 year contestant is required to help their child line up behind stage and take them on stage during the competition. Failure to comply will result in a deduction of points.
How to enter:
- Entry form is available at https://form.jotform.com/241503385834053.
- Once we receive your entry form, we will email you with a payment form within 24 hours.
- Payment will be ran by Washington County Fair. You have not been entered until we have received BOTH your FORM and PAYMENT. You will receive an email confirmation within 72 hours to confirm your entry.
- An email with the location will be sent 4 weeks prior to the pageant. The pageant will be held in Washington County.
- An email will be sent with a reminder of all information closer to pageant time.
Pageant Day
- Ages 0-11
- Ages 0-11 will compete in beauty dress only. This can be sunday best, natural, semi-glitz, or glitz (please see below rules for hair/makeup).
- Contestants ages 0-11 years may wear makeup. Please keep this minimal and age appropriate. Makeup is not required to win the pageant and is at the sole discretion of the parent. Please keep in mind, our judges will see our rules regarding makeup, failure to comply with guidelines can result in deductions.
- Ages 12-13
- Ages 12-13 will compete in evening gown and on stage question. Evening gown Awill be 85% of the score, on stage question will be 15%. On stage questions will be age appropriate. Political topics will not be discussed or asked.
- Ages 14-75
- Ages 14-23 will compete in evening gown, on stage question, and interview. Although talent will be scored separately and awarded separately. Scoring- Interview 50%, Evening Gown 30%, On Stage Question 20%. Talent will be awarded separately.
- Interview attire should be dress or business attire, close toed shoes, no hats, gloves, or purses.State Fair Pageant
- Ages 14-23 will compete in evening gown, on stage question, and interview. Although talent will be scored separately and awarded separately. Scoring- Interview 50%, Evening Gown 30%, On Stage Question 20%. Talent will be awarded separately.
- Jr Queen and Miss (ages 14-23) will be required to compete at the State Fair Pageant on October 4 (Jr Queen) and October 5 (Miss). Your entry fee is waived with this title.
- All other contestants/winners are encouraged to go to the Arkansas State Fair Pageant on October 13, 2024.
- People’s Choice Queen competition will be held online once registration has closed to keep it as fair as possible. This competition does not effect the main competition. Winner will receive a crown and sash. Anyone with 30 or more votes will get People’s Choice Mini Queen and will receive a smaller crown.
- Please direct all questions to our Facebook Event Page, or washingtoncountyarfairpageant@gmail.com.
An email will be sent out prior to pageant once registration closes with detailed information on Check in. Please keep in mind the August 10 date is for interviews and rehearsals for ages 14-75. August 11 will be all beauty competitions, on stage question, and talent.