2023 Washington County Fair Appreciation Award
Ralph MooreIn honor of Ralph’s many years of service to the Washington County Fair, friends who have worked with him share their appreciation for his efforts to help the youth exhibitors at the fair.
I was asked to say a few things about Ralph Moore and the tremendous impact he has had on the Washington County Fair, and it is with great honor that I get to shed just a little bit of light on his involvement over the years. I honestly cannot recall being at a county fair when Ralph Moore was not present. In fact, his entire family has always been extremely involved. When I began showing in the hog barn at the mere age of 8 years old, Ralph’s father, Glenn Moore, was my hog superintendent. Like his father, Ralph later stepped up and took on the responsibility of also becoming the hog superintendent for many years. You always knew if you ever needed anything that Ralph was always there to lend a hand to our young exhibitors, and open exhibitors too. Ralph has been an active member of the fair board for as long as I can remember, voluntarily and enthusiastically working long hours during the week of the fair. This means running late night gates, helping with the shows, and, for many years, he did all of this while managing to help his own children get their animals exhibited.
Ralph has always been a huge supporter to our youth. I think everyone will agree that they cannot recall a single Junior Livestock Premium Auction where Ralph was not sitting in the sale arena, watching each exhibitor take their turn in the ring. He always did his best to see that our Junior 4-H and FFA members were taken care of at the end of the night and rewarded for their hard work. 4-H runs very deep in the Moore family, not just with their own kid’s involvement, but helping other hard-working families as well. Reba Moore led the Cane Hill 4-H Club for many years, and supported 4-H on the county and state levels as well. It has always been very important to both Ralph and Reba that our Washington County kids not only achieve and reach their goals, but that they also enjoyed working together. The best legacy a parent can pass down to their children, are the passions they once pursued to help others. They have passed these traits down to their own children, Denise, Allen, and Curtis, who have continued the traditions of leading and helping others. Denise (Moore) Sweat lives in McCaskill, AR where she works for Farm Credit. She and her family have been involved in their county fair, state fair, FFA and 4-H. Allen Moore is one of our Hog Superintendents and currently serves on the Washington County Fair Board. Allen spends much time helping during the off season of the county fair as well. Curtis Moore is also on the fair board and has been valuable as our fair photographer for several years, along with giving us the new look and design for the fair book. Who can forget all of the wonderful dutch oven meals that Reba whipped up to keep us all fed during all those Saturdays of the fair.
Ralph Moore, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for your selfless time of service and the time you have put forth to our fair. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend not only to me, but to so many. Thank you to your family for carrying on the values that you taught them. Legacies built on these traits and values is what helps build the generations of tomorrow and continues to make our Washington County Fair the best it can be.
– Darrell Tunstill
Ralph Moore is an icon of the Washington County Fair. He was a member of the Fair Board for many years. The Moore family has organized, managed and coordinated the swine show at the Washington County Fair for many years. Ralph assumed the operation of the swine show from his father, Glenn Moore.
During my tenure as Fair Board President, I could depend on Ralph to come prior to the week of the fair to prepare the hog barn for exhibitors. He cleaned the pens and made or coordinated any needed repairs to the show area. He always mowed the grass around the hog barn to ensure an attractive appearance for the general public visiting the fair. Ralph was always available to help set up the livestock arena for the Junior Livestock sale. Over the years, Ralph has had an impact on the lives of with many 4-H and FFA students in hog production and providing guidance in swine showmanship.
Ralph’s love for the Washington County Fair has been reflected in his years of service to the fair. Over the years, his wife Reba joined him with fair activities. His legacy continues with two sons on the Fair Board. His son, Allen Moore, has picked up the torch serving as the current Swine Superintendent.
-Dorris Cassidy
When I think of Ralph Moore’s involvement at the Washington County Fair, one word comes to mind- passion.
Ralph’s passion for our county fair started more than 60 years ago and was fueled by his parents encouraging him and his brothers to compete in the market hog, steer, and heifer shows. Fair week was something the Moore Brothers always looked forward to. It was their chance to spend a week away from working on their family farm in Lincoln, AR, and instead make memories at the fair. From sleeping in the barns to getting ready for the infamous football game that would take place in the livestock arena to scouting out all the best giveaways in the commercial building, Ralph made many memories beyond the show ring as a young kid. He continues to make those opportunities possible for the next generation through his continued service and leadership to the Washington County Fair.
Ralph’s passion for the fair and the kids that are competing and experiencing the fair firsthand is unwavering. For Ralph, it has always been about the kids. He has always supported anything that meant the facilities of the county fairgrounds would be improved or repaired.
Ralph followed in his dad’s footsteps by serving as the Market Hog Superintendent, and in fact, this tradition has continued through Ralph’s son, Allen, who is currently serving in the same role today. Ralph has served nearly three decades on the fair board and has volunteered countless hours to ensure that the Washington County Fair continues to be a great experience for all.
When we think of what makes Ralph’s legacy have a lasting impact, it must be the example he has set for his children and others who have watched Ralph’s work over the years. He is an excellent example of how to give and not ask for anything in return. It should not go unsaid that the many things that Ralph has accomplished for the fair would not be possible without the support of his wife, Reba. Together, they have significantly impacted the Washington County Fair and helped make it the special place it is today.
It would undoubtedly be a better place if the world were full of more people like Ralph and Reba Moore. The Moore’s are a mainstay at the Washington County Fair. Much like the brick-and-mortar buildings themselves, they have become fixtures of the Washington County Fair, and it is hard to imagine the renowned week without them.
Thank you to Glen and Mabel Moore, Ralph’s parents, for igniting the passion in Ralph and beginning the legacy that continues today and will continue for years to come. I would also like to say “Thank you” to Ralph for being an example of giving back without expectation of return and being that father figure I seek today after my father’s passing. Thank you, Ralph, for all you do for me, my family, and the Washington County Fair!
– Jerry Moyer