Commercial Vendors

Commercial Vendor applications for the upcoming 2025 Washington County Fair can be submitted online from March 1st through June 15th, 2025. All applications will be processed and responded to with acceptance/denial by June 15th, 2025. Please do not submit payment until your application has been approved. Verbal approval will be made by phone. Additional information will be communicated by email. Please make sure you provide a good contact phone number and email address on your application. 


Commercial Vendors include but are not limited to the following categories: 

• Food Vendors

• Clothing/Gift Boutiques

• Farmers Market

• Craft/Handmade Artisans

• Product/Service Sales

• Charitable Organizations/Church Groups


Non-Food Vendor Base Price

A 10 x 10 non-food vendor space is $150 for the week of the fair and must be paid IN FULL by June 15th, 2025. Larger custom-size spaces will be priced by the square footage of the commercial vendor superintendent.

Indoor 10×10 non-food vendor space $300 for the week of the fair and must be paid IN FULL by June 15th, 2025. 

Food Vendor Base Price

A 10 x 30 food vendor space is $300 for the week of the fair and must be paid IN FULL by June 15th, 2025. Larger custom sizes will be priced by the square footage by the commercial vendor superintendent.


All Vendors
Extra Workers Passes $5.00 ea.

Water Hookup $25.00

110 Electric $25.00
30 Amp Electric $100.00
50 Amp Electric $200.00
100 Amp Electric $300.00


Kristi Weaver